Lions Berry, Elstro and Farmer |
Our three newest members. Retired Richmond Fire Chief William Berry transferred from the Richmond Lions Club.
Joe Elstro and Max Farmer were inducted into the Centerville Lions Club on December 8, during the annual Christmas Ladies
Night at the Centerville High School Cafetorium.
Lion Charlie Killen being honored |
Lion Charlie Killen (on the right) being presented a 45-year award from Lion Secretary Jim Resh.
Elvis with Lion Charlie Killen |
Elvis Presley inpersonator, Rob Carpenter of Fountain City, receives a certificate of appreciation from Program Chairman
Charlie Killen for his entertaining performance during the Christmas Ladies Night on December 8.
Centerville Lions Leo Club members |
New members of the Leo Club were inducted during the December 8 Christmas Ladies Night at Centerville High School Cafetorium.
The President of the Leo Club, Tierney Barnett, was installed as well as other officers. New members are: Kate Glen,
Cassie Oaks, Kaitlin Vaughn, Ryan Howell, Lisa Smith, Andrea Stephen, Doug Staats, Abbey Kettler, Hope Paul and Nick Turner.
Sponsor Mark Howell is standing with the group.
Lions song leader Charlie Hobbs |
Lion Charlie Hobbs leading group singing during the Christmas Ladies Night dinner on December 8.
The Lions Wives Trio |
Lions wives, Marilyn Hobbs at the piano, Toni Benedict and Marie Elstro sing for their supper at the December 8 Christmas
Ladies Night dinner.