Centerville Lions Archives

60th Anniversary Dinner

Some Memories From Our 60th Anniversary, Monday Evening, September 27, 2004 @ Centerville High School Cafetorium...
Charter member Lowell Brooks with family members of seven other charter members

Centerville Lions Club Secretary Jim Resh tells about the charter members

Click picture for speech of Lions District 25F Governor Carl Sharp, Jr.

Something Good from Eaton, Ohio entertains with their songs

Centerville Lions Club President Judson Costlow enjoys a laugh with his wife Lisa

Centerville Lion Don Kehoe with his wife Mary

 Some Highlights...
     DG Carl Sharp, Jr inducted new member Kevin Sparks.  His sponsor was Jeff Nickell.  The Governor also  spoke about the 60th Anniversary of the Lions Club in Centerville and congratulated the members for keeping the club active.  Click here to read his speech.
     Charter member Lowell Brooks was honored as being the only living member at age 98.  His granddaughter, Sarah Gainey, excorted him and he received a certificate, Anniversary Booklet and flowers.  Other Charter family members honored were:  Virginia Outland Griffis, Mary Hines Lichtenfels, Marian Henderson Bogan, Olin McMinn, Granddauthter Linda Lichtenfels, Granddaughter Sarah Gainey, Jim Howell and Ron Harris.
Letter of Appreciation...
Dear Lions:
     I want to tell you how much I enjoyed the 60th
anniversary evening and to thank you.  It was fun
seeing some friends I had not seen for several years
and it was particularly good to see Mr. Brooks and his
granddaughter.  Enclosed is a check for the Lions
Club, Thanks again, Virginia Outland Griffis
98 year old Charter member Lowell Brooks with his granddaughter Sarah Gainey

Centerville Lions Club President Judson Costlow welcomes Lions and guests to the Anniversary Dinner

Sponsor Jeff Nickell places Lions pin on new member Kevin Sparks

An attentive crowd listens to Something Good sing some of their favorites

District Vice Chair Earl Whipple, DG Carl Sharp, Jr. & PDG Jack Salisbery

District Govenor Carl Sharp, Jr. & his wife, Lion Patti

 Guests attending...
District Governor Carl Sharp, Jr. and his wife, Lion Patti, Carl Sharp, Sr.,  Region Chair Duane Nichels and Bob and Carol Dance of  theLiberty Lions Club;  Don Mccullugh and Scharlene Mahoney of the Hagerstown Lions Club; VDG Earl Whipple and his wife, Judy and Judy Calhoun of the Connersville Lions Club; PDG Jack Salisbery and his wife,Denise of the Warren Central Lions Club.
Richmond members and guests were: PDG Jack Buckland and his mother, Norma Buckland, Ralph and Jean Pyle, Ron and Millie Talley, Lillian Paust, Yvona Wolfe, Harold Rodenburg and Richard and Kathy Lehman.